Our services

  • Legal Consultancy.
  • We offer legal consultancy in several languages.
  • Representation, protection or any legal advice is also provided in English, Italian and Turkish languages.
  • Legal representation and counsel.
  • Drafting legal documents in all the fields allowed in exercise of the lawyer profession
  • Preparation of claim lawsuits or claims in criminal proceedings, as well as the complaints, recourses against court decisions, ones body Prosecutor, Arbitration or public administration bodies.
  • Preparation of requests to the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court, Constitutional Court, the International Court, and every organism in which adheres to the Republic of Albania.
  • Preparation of complaints and requests of ltd or ac.
  • Compilation of acts that are subject of notarial acts.
  • Drafting of contracts and agreements, as well as any other document that brings or attempts to bring legal consequences.
  • Presence as a defense at the time of association, detention, arrest, during the investigation process, judicial review of persons in criminal matters.
  • Representation of ltd or legal persons in civil and administrative matters, in the Court, in Arbitration and in other organs of public administration.
  • Other legal actions aid provided by law.
  • Official translations in the following languages: English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Turkish, Macedonian, etc.
  • Exhaustion of the legal procedure for removal of the Enforcement Decree from the Schengen Information System.
  • Visa Application and/or residence permit for foreign citizens.


Heqja e Dekretit të Dëbimit (Ekspulsi - Espulso)
Studio Ligjore TIVARI e njohur nga Institucionet Shqiptare dhe Ndërkombëtare ofron ndihmë ligjore (Avokatore) në zgjidhjen e çështjes suaj brenda një afati të shkurtër duke ju dhënë një zgjidhje efektive.

Në bazë të Ligjit:
1. Edhe pse ka mbaruar afati i dëbimit ju duhet të vazhdoni
procedurën ligjore për fshirjen e këtij Dekret dëbimi
(Espulsit) nga sistemi SIS.
2. I huaji i dëbuar mund të rihyjë në shtetin e zonës Shengen, edhe përpara se të ketë marrë fund periudha e ndalimit të ardhjes.
Studio ligjore “TIVARI” merr përsipër procedurën ligjore për të dyja rastet e cituara më sipër për të gjithë shtetet e zonës Shengen.